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Complaints Training

 Regulatory Complaints -- Providing Beneficial Responses

This training session is ideal for the people who must investigate and provide responses to regulatory bodies, including the PUCT.  The training session is approximately 6 hours in length and covers the following topics:


Understanding the PUCT Complaint Process (2 hours)


Preparing Your Company's Response (1 hour)


Real Life Case Examples from Your Company (3 hours) - a practicum to explore the lessons learned by participants during from the first two topics.

This training session is a must for your company if you want to adapt your systems to the PUCT's process and minimize the likelihood of having your responses turn into administrative penalty recommendations.

What Recent Participants Have to Say About this Training...

bulletThe best part was going over the specific (company name) case examples.
bulletI liked gaining insights about the PUCT processes and their policies.  
bulletIt was really helpful to hear you explain what the PUCT looks for in a response letter and how they evaluate responses.
bulletI appreciated the "inside" information into the PUCT processes.
bulletSeeing an actual PUCT complaint file and understanding what areas need to be addressed when creating our response will help us improve our responses tremendously.

About the training presenter...

This training session is conducted by Ms. Patricia Dolese, the founder of Regulatory Compliance Services.  Ms. Dolese's years of experience in the PUCT's Customer Protection Division give her a unique "behind the scenes" viewpoint that cannot be obtained from any other source.  As an active participant in the drafting, implementation and enforcement of most of the PUCT's customer protection rules, Ms. Dolese has an abundance of knowledge to share with companies seeking to improve their internal processes.

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Last modified: January 22, 2022

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