Regulatory Updates

Thursday, November 03, 2005

PUCT Project No. 31416

Project No. 31416 - Evaluation of Default Service for Residential Customers and Review
of Rules Relating to the Price to Beat and Provider of Last Resort.

Well, the PUCT staff have finally initiated a discussion on PTB and default service that many thought was long overdue.

At the heart of the issue is the question: what will happen to existing AREP customers and prices when the Price to Beat officially disappears on January 1, 2007?

Many states answered this question when they opened their markets. But not Texas.

The PUCT staff has released a set of questions and scheduled a workshop to get input on the various options including whether there is such a thing in Texas as "default service."

The workshop will be held on Wednesday, January, 11,2006, at 9:30 a.m. in the Commissioners' Hearing Room.

Full PUCT filing: